WelcomePearls Place is a community-based social café that offers a free two course healthy, nutritious and tasty meal, every Wednesday from 12:00 - 1:00 pm. Pearls Place is secular, non-denominational and everyone is welcome.
Our purpose is to provide free healthy meals and opportunities for social interaction to members of our community who may be disadvantaged by low income, social isolation or mental ill-health.
We are staffed entirely by volunteers, and we operate entirely through donations. Often, community members provide fresh fruit, vegetables and eggs from their gardens and hen houses as well as other perishable and non perishable items. Some supporters provide assistance pro bono such as graphic design work for our signs, brochures and stationery items. Community groups, individuals, service and sporting clubs donate funds through various grants. Pearls Place Community Inc is included on the register of Not For Profit organisations with the ACNC. Your tax deductible donations are most welcome. If you have any questions about Pearls Place, or you'd like to become a supporter or a volunteer, please use our Contact form. |
Pearls Place Community Inc acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters of the Shire – the people of the Yuin and Monaro nations and offers our respect to elders past and present.